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  3. Магія, Сонник
  4. Сонник англійською

герб Сонник англійською

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Переглядів: 0
~Рік заснування: 11
Країна сервера: 0
NS: 0
🏁 Попав в каталог: 2024
Статус: ✅ 200
Dictionary dream dream imbued with echoes of the past day carrying some signs for the interpretation of dreams the meaning of sleep. Taking us to the distant past or drawing pictures of the future in our minds pleasant or nightmarish - all these are our dreams. Their content has long been a mystery to humans - at different times there were different interpretations of dreams. inability to invest in your dream. no dream is self-financing. Dont be fooled into thinking that people will invest or finance your dream or idea just because its brilliant. If you are lucky someone can invest in it but if not you will have to invest your time energy and finances in activities that will strengthen and fulfill your dream. You may need to invest in acquiring the knowledge or experience that will help you realize your dream. Not being able to invest in his dream will kill him.
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